국내 / 해외 여행
유형 1: 장소 (좋아하는 /주로 가는 여행지)
유형 2: 하는 일 (여행하면서 주로 하는 일)
유형 3: 경험 (가장 기억에 남는 여행)
유형 4: 준비과정(여행가기 전 하는일, 가져가는 물건)
take a trip
go on a trip
travel overseas
travel abroad
travel internationally
travel domestically
take a domestic trip
travel within my country
~와 견줄 수 없다
nothing can beat
There are lots of beautiful places in korea nothing can beat jeju island
1시간 30분
an hour and a half
It takes an hour and a half
여행하면 떠올릴것
Scenery 경치
Peaceful and calm atmosphere
Local food / people
Tourist attractions
Travel agent
Historic sites 유적지
Relics 유물
The scenery is beautiful beyond all descriptions
잘 알려진 / 유명한
be famous for
well know for
renown for
noted for
The place is noted for its scenic beauty
길을 잃다
get lost /be lost
We were lost / We got lost our way to ~
Looking back on it
Looking back on it , I was so worried but now I can laugh at what happened on that day.
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