

Cloud_Park 2018. 11. 28. 11:36

May I ~ ?      : ~해도 될까요?

May I speak to Mr.Park?

May I borrow you book?

May I take your message?

May I take a picture of you?

Would you mind ~ ?    : ~해 주시겠습니까?

Would you mind opening the door?

Would you mind turning off the TV?

Would you mind turning down the volume?

Would you mind giving us a moment alone?

Let e know if ~     : ~라면 알려 주세요

Let me know if you need any help

Let me know if you're interested

Let me know if he bothers you again

Let me know if there's a change 

Please don't ~     :~하지 말아 주세요

Please don't go

Please don't say that 

Please don't do this 

Please don't get mad

Can I help you ~ ?    : ~하는 것을 도와드릴까요?

Can I help you with the dishes?

Can I help you with your homework?

Can I help you move this table?

Can I help you prepare for the dinner party?